Turn out - The turn out summary for Rossendale
Area | Eligible Voters | No of verified Ballots | Spoilt Ballots | Turn Out (%) |
Lancashire Total | 891486 | 319995 | 880 | 35.89 |
Rossendale Total | 51379 | 18349 | 57 | 35.71 |
Mid Rossendale | 11038 | 4406 | 26 | 39.92 |
Rossendale East | 10122 | 3519 | 7 | 34.77 |
Rossendale South | 9631 | 3575 | 7 | 37.12 |
Rossendale West | 10718 | 3799 | 3 | 35.45 |
Whitworth & Bacup | 9870 | 3050 | 14 | 30.90 |