Turn out - The turn out summary for Preston

Area Eligible Voters No of verified Ballots Spoilt Ballots Turn Out (%)
Lancashire Total 891486 319995 880 35.89
Preston Total 94568 32231 81 34.08
Preston Central East 10691 3615 13 33.81
Preston Central West 9946 2975 6 29.91
Preston City 10019 3304 29 32.98
Preston East 11017 3135 3 28.46
Preston North 11113 4647 3 41.82
Preston Rural 9248 3758 8 40.64
Preston South East 11119 2940 8 26.44
Preston South West 11060 3910 5 35.35
Preston West 10355 3947 6 38.12